Greetings on this overcast day that God has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!
God is so good! In spite of all that is happening around us, in spite of the weather, in spite of the illnesses (we will get to that later), God is good and His mercy endures forever!
We are still rejoicing in how God spoke and all He did on Sunday morning. As we listened, I was amazed at the number of times (Matt 9:20 and Matt 14:36 as examples) of the times that people touched the hem of Christ’s garment. There were crowds of people that were bumping into Jesus, but some were singled out because they touched Him. What made the difference? These people were intentional. They were reaching for Jesus. They were not passive, but aggressive in getting to Jesus. The friends of the paralytic man tore the roof off of the house … there was action in getting to Jesus. We need to put an action, and anticipation to the things God has promised for us. Sometimes in our walk with God we get too passive, “If God wants to do this he will …” But our serving God is active. He has placed His power, His presence, His anointing in our “bank account.” In banking, a checking account is a Demand Account. The money you put in that account is yours, but you must demand it, do something, write a check, to get it out. The money does no good just sitting in the account.
Well, His presence, His anointing, does no good just sitting in our “account.” We need to use it. We need to share it. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that if she knew who was asking for water, she would ask of Him so she would never thirst again. We need to ask and expect our well to be full to overflowing. God has so much in store for us. All the benefits of the cross are ours! But we need to use them! We need to ask. We need to press in to touch the hem of His garment. Let’s not sit on the sidelines, but come to the Father expecting Him to move in our lives.
We should come to every service expecting. We should be expecting every time we come together … “where 2 or 3 are gathered, I am in the middle of them…” Are you just going through today, or are you expecting God to move in your life? Are you actively looking for opportunities to make a difference? For God to make a difference in you?
By: Pastor Art Speck
God is so good! In spite of all that is happening around us, in spite of the weather, in spite of the illnesses (we will get to that later), God is good and His mercy endures forever!
We are still rejoicing in how God spoke and all He did on Sunday morning. As we listened, I was amazed at the number of times (Matt 9:20 and Matt 14:36 as examples) of the times that people touched the hem of Christ’s garment. There were crowds of people that were bumping into Jesus, but some were singled out because they touched Him. What made the difference? These people were intentional. They were reaching for Jesus. They were not passive, but aggressive in getting to Jesus. The friends of the paralytic man tore the roof off of the house … there was action in getting to Jesus. We need to put an action, and anticipation to the things God has promised for us. Sometimes in our walk with God we get too passive, “If God wants to do this he will …” But our serving God is active. He has placed His power, His presence, His anointing in our “bank account.” In banking, a checking account is a Demand Account. The money you put in that account is yours, but you must demand it, do something, write a check, to get it out. The money does no good just sitting in the account.
Well, His presence, His anointing, does no good just sitting in our “account.” We need to use it. We need to share it. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that if she knew who was asking for water, she would ask of Him so she would never thirst again. We need to ask and expect our well to be full to overflowing. God has so much in store for us. All the benefits of the cross are ours! But we need to use them! We need to ask. We need to press in to touch the hem of His garment. Let’s not sit on the sidelines, but come to the Father expecting Him to move in our lives.
We should come to every service expecting. We should be expecting every time we come together … “where 2 or 3 are gathered, I am in the middle of them…” Are you just going through today, or are you expecting God to move in your life? Are you actively looking for opportunities to make a difference? For God to make a difference in you?
By: Pastor Art Speck